Thursday, January 05, 2012

Happy New Year!

The Junior Research Fellows of the EUCE at York wish everyone a Happy New Year! 

After a few weeks of rest and relaxation (and lots of studying and research, of course >.>) the winter term has begun, which means that we are only three months away from the conference! In light of this, we've organized the Official Launch of Germany Symposium 2012: Prospects and Challenges for Contemporary Germany to be held on January 20th in Glendon Manor. For more details, check out the event info on facebook.

We will also have an information table set up during Glendon's Winter Clubs Day on Monday, January 9th in the cafeteria from 10-2. If you are interested in volunteering during this year's conference, feel free to stop by and add your name to our volunteer sign-up sheet!

More updates to come!