Friday, March 09, 2012

A Look at German Foreign Policy

For those interested in international politics, take a look at our foreign policy panel. Interested in attending? Register at our website!

Germany's Transformed Multilateralism: European Security and the Transatlantic Relationship

 Germany’s foreign policy has undergone a series of developments in the past 60 years that have been largely shaped by the collective memory of its past military aggression. Even today, Germany's historical memory continues to shape its foreign and security policy decisions and this has led to the Bundestag’s strong commitment to multilateral cooperation. While German multilateralism has been characterized by interdependency and mutual cooperation in the earlier post-reunification years, its actions in the post 9/11 context might suggest a turn to a deeper consideration of national interests when responding to international issues.

Confirmed Speakers 

Associate Director & Associate Research Political Scientist, Center for German and European Studies, University of California at Berkeley

Peter Schmidt
Honorary Professor, University of Mannheim

Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa

Lieutenant-Colonel, Head of the Military Attachés Office, German Embassy, Ottawa

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